[ast-developers] ksh does not fail properly when 'cd' to directory without execute bit
Michal Hlavinka
2014-06-26 10:05:19 UTC

we found a bug in ksh that it does not print any error when 'cd' to
directory without execute bit. It does not print any error, it looks
like it succeeded despite it did not.

$ mkdir -p a/b/c
$ chmod -x a/b
$ cd a
$ cd b
$ echo $?
0 # should be nonzero
$ pwd
$ ls
b # which means ls was executed from /tmp/a not /tmp/a/b

oneliner version:

ksh -c 'T=$(mktemp -d); chmod -x $T; cd $T; r=$?; cd; rm -rf $T; [ "$r"
!= 0 ] || { echo FAIL; exit $r; }; echo pass;'

This was caused by changes around 2012-10-10

Fix is attached


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