[ast-developers] AST on OSX Mavericks; is there a trick?
Jeff Frontz
2014-06-09 22:11:35 UTC
I'm trying to build nmake/ksh (via ast-open) on MacOS 10.9.3 (Xcode 5.1.1).
Depending on how I start things, I get various odd errors -- either md5
checksum mismatches on package INIT or seemingly circular attempts to use
nmake to make itself.

I noticed a message from last month that there was a potential issue with
the new Apple SDK. Is there any way to build?

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Glenn Fowler
2014-06-11 14:59:04 UTC
just had success with macosx
problems were clang related
we had built OK with clang on linux
nmake on macosx got hit with a runtime overlapped strcpy() abort which was
only caught on macosx
there will be an update this weekend
Post by Jeff Frontz
I'm trying to build nmake/ksh (via ast-open) on MacOS 10.9.3 (Xcode
5.1.1). Depending on how I start things, I get various odd errors --
either md5 checksum mismatches on package INIT or seemingly circular
attempts to use nmake to make itself.
I noticed a message from last month that there was a potential issue with
the new Apple SDK. Is there any way to build?
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