Roland Mainz
2013-09-25 06:56:27 UTC
the AT&T Software Technology ast alpha 2013-09-24 source release
has been posted to the download site
the package names and md5 checksums are
INIT 3306a1ea5b0ccad851f984850235275a
ast-base 905d3125d8804cc53562d5f7ac2d834f
ast-open cc1f1bb8d20861eb1987a458c98548d0
ast-ksh 970460ec2c257b22bc4ad22e18046ebc
the md5 sums should match the ones listed on the download page
[snip]has been posted to the download site
the package names and md5 checksums are
INIT 3306a1ea5b0ccad851f984850235275a
ast-base 905d3125d8804cc53562d5f7ac2d834f
ast-open cc1f1bb8d20861eb1987a458c98548d0
ast-ksh 970460ec2c257b22bc4ad22e18046ebc
the md5 sums should match the ones listed on the download page
The "" tests crash on Solaris 11/B145/AMD64/64bit like this:
-- snip --
+ /home/test001/ksh93/ast_ksh_20130924/build_i386_64bit_debug/arch/sol11.i386-64/src/cmd/ksh93/ksh
./src/cmd/ksh93/tests/shtests --locale
_64bit_debug/arch/*/bin/shcomp' ./src/cmd/ksh93/tests/
test heredoc begins at 2013-09-25+02:34:43
./src/cmd/ksh93/tests/shtests[333]: eval: line 1: 26481: Memory fault(coredump)
test heredoc failed at 2013-09-25+02:34:46 with exit code 267 [ 41
tests 267 errors ]
test heredoc(shcomp) begins at 2013-09-25+02:34:46
./src/cmd/ksh93/tests/shtests: line 354: 26535: Memory fault(coredump)
test heredoc(shcomp) failed at 2013-09-25+02:34:49 with exit code 267
[ 41 tests 267 errors ]
-- snip --
A sample stack trace looks like this:
-- snip --
program terminated by signal SEGV (no mapping at the fault address)
Current function is sfraise
84 { next = disc->disc;
(dbx) where
=>[1] sfraise(f = 0xfffffd7ffefa8d20, type = 14, data = (nil)), line
84 in "sfraise.c"
[2] _sfcleanup(), line 91 in "sfmode.c"
[3] _exithandle(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0), at 0xfffffd7fff1c34f9
[4] exit(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0), at 0xfffffd7fff1a6461
[5] sh_done(ptr = 0x6ceae8, sig = 0), line 698 in "fault.c"
[6] sh_exec(shp = 0x6ceae8, t = 0xfffffd7ffef5aad0, flags = 0), line
1929 in "xec.c"
[7] sh_exec(shp = 0x6ceae8, t = 0xfffffd7ffef5abf0, flags = 1), line
2180 in "xec.c"
[8] sh_subshell(shp = 0x6ceae8, t = 0xfffffd7ffef5abf0, flags = 1,
comsub = 3), line 603 in "subshell.c"
[9] comsubst(mp = 0xfffffd7ffef221c0, t = 0xfffffd7ffef5abf0, type =
3), line 2164 in "macro.c"
[10] varsub(mp = 0xfffffd7ffef221c0), line 1190 in "macro.c"
[11] copyto(mp = 0xfffffd7ffef221c0, endch = 0, newquote = 0), line
634 in "macro.c"
[12] sh_macexpand(shp = 0x6ceae8, argp = 0xfffffd7ffef5a860, arghead
= (nil), flag = 4096), line 245 in "macro.c"
[13] sh_macpat(shp = 0x6ceae8, arg = 0xfffffd7ffef5a860, flags = 0),
line 423 in "macro.c"
[14] sh_exec(shp = 0x6ceae8, t = 0xfffffd7ffef5a8e0, flags = 0),
line 2920 in "xec.c"
[15] sh_exec(shp = 0x6ceae8, t = 0xfffffd7ffef5aa10, flags = 4),
line 2272 in "xec.c"
[16] exfile(shp = 0x6ceae8, iop = 0xfffffd7ffef7f830, fno = 11),
line 610 in "main.c"
[17] sh_main(ac = 2, av = 0xfffffd7fffdffa58, userinit = (nil)),
line 382 in "main.c"
[18] main(argc = 2, argv = 0xfffffd7fffdffa58), line 45 in "pmain.c"
(dbx) print disc
disc = 0x80000
(dbx) print disc->disc
dbx: cannot access address 0x80020
(dbx) print sh
sh = {
options = {
v = (145135535915008U, 0, 0, 0)
var_tree = 0xfffffd7ffef5e0e0
fun_tree = 0xfffffd7ffef62490
alias_tree = 0xfffffd7ffef5f9a0
bltin_tree = 0xfffffd7ffef62310
topscope = 0x6cee60
inlineno = 503
exitval = 0
trapnote = '\0'
shcomp = '\0'
subshell = 0
stk = 0x6d0aa0
pwdfd = 10
gd = 0xfffffd7ffef1f870
st = {
prevst = (nil)
dolc = 3
dolv = 0xfffffd7ffef336a8
cmdname = 0xfffffd7ffef69ea0 "src/cmd/ksh93/tests/"
filename = 0xfffffd7ffef6f710
funname = (nil)
lineno = 290
save_tree = 0xfffffd7ffef5e0e0
self = 0x6cee60
var_local = (nil)
staklist = (nil)
states = 268435584
breakcnt = 0
execbrk = 0
loopcnt = 0
firstline = 0
optindex = 1
optnum = 0
tmout = 0
optchar = 0
opterror = 0
ioset = 0
trapmax = 0
trap = ((nil), (nil), (nil), (nil), (nil))
otrap = 0xfffffd7fffdfe9d8
trapcom = 0xfffffd7ffef59e10
otrapcom = 0xfffffd7ffefe3670
timetrap = (nil)
real_fun = (nil)
heredocs = 0xfffffd7ffef94ce0
funlog = (nil)
fdptrs = 0xfffffd7ffef231a0
savexit = 0
lastarg = 0xfffffd7ffefe3320 "/tmp/test001/tmp4rk9fsE.K8m/here1"
lastpath = (nil)
path_err = 0
track_tree = 0xfffffd7ffef5fb40
var_base = 0xfffffd7ffef5e0e0
openmatch = (nil)
namref_root = (nil)
namespace = (nil)
last_table = (nil)
prev_table = (nil)
oldnp = 0xfffffd7ffefa90e0
nodelist = (nil)
outpool = 0xfffffd7ffef45760
timeout = 0
curenv = 12
jobenv = 1
infd = 11
nextprompt = 1
poolfiles = 0
posix_fun = (nil)
outbuff = 0xfffffd7ffef45cc0 "foobarbaz meep\n))\nz\nEOF |
sed 's/1234567890/qwertyuiopasdfghj/'\n${1}\nEOF\n}\n====\n=====================This
is line 001=============\n=====================This is line
002=============\n=====================This is line
003=============\n=====================This is line
004=============\n=====================This is line
005=============\n=====================This is line
006=============\n=====================This is line
007=============\n=====================This is line
008=============\n=====================Thi" ...
errbuff = 0xfffffd7ffef55d30 ""
prompt = (nil)
shname = 0xfffffd7ffef69e30 "src/cmd/ksh93/tests/"
comdiv = 0xffffffffffffffff "<bad address 0xffffffff>"
prefix = (nil)
jmplist = 0xfffffd7fffdfea28
fifo = (nil)
oldexit = 0
bckpid = 0
cpid = 0
spid = 0
pipepid = 0
outpipepid = 3900
procsub = (nil)
nprocsub = 0
topfd = 0
errorfd = 0
savesig = 0
sigflag = 0xfffffd7ffef5a0c0 "^A^QAQ^Q^Q^Q^Q^Q"
intrap = '\0'
login_sh = '\0'
lastbase = '\0'
forked = '\0'
binscript = '\0'
deftype = '\0'
funload = '\0'
used_pos = '\0'
universe = '\0'
winch = '\0'
inarith = '\0'
indebug = '\0'
ignsig = '\0'
lastsig = '\0'
pathinit = '\0'
comsub = '\0'
subshare = '\0'
toomany = '\0'
instance = '\0'
decomma = '\0'
redir0 = '\0'
intrace = '\0'
readscript = (nil)
subdup = 0
inpipe = 0xfffffd7fffdfe848
outpipe = 0xfffffd7fffdfe83c
cpipe = (-1, 0, 0)
coutpipe = -1
inuse_bits = 0
envlist = (nil)
arglist = (nil)
fn_depth = 0
fn_reset = 0
dot_depth = 0
hist_depth = 0
xargmin = 0
xargmax = 5
xargexit = 0
nenv = 0
lexsize = 224
sigval = 0
mask = 18U
env = (nil)
init_context = 0xfffffd7ffef5c870
mac_context = 0xfffffd7ffef221c0
lex_context = 0xfffffd7ffef22300
arg_context = 0xfffffd7ffef22270
job_context = (nil)
pathlist = 0xfffffd7ffef82ee0
defpathlist = (nil)
cdpathlist = (nil)
argaddr = (nil)
optlist = (nil)
siginfo = 0xfffffd7ffef5a420
vex = 0xfffffd7ffef69f10
vexp = 0xfffffd7ffef69fa0
global = {
prevst = (nil)
dolc = 3
dolv = 0xfffffd7ffef336a8
cmdname = 0xfffffd7ffef69ea0 "src/cmd/ksh93/tests/"
filename = 0xfffffd7ffef6f710
funname = (nil)
lineno = 0
save_tree = 0xfffffd7ffef5e0e0
self = 0x6cee60
var_local = (nil)
staklist = (nil)
states = 5
breakcnt = 0
execbrk = 0
loopcnt = 0
firstline = 0
optindex = 1
optnum = 0
tmout = 0
optchar = 0
opterror = 0
ioset = 0
trapmax = 1U
trap = ((nil), (nil), (nil), (nil), (nil))
otrap = 0xfffffd7fffdfdf98
trapcom = 0xfffffd7ffef59e10
otrapcom = 0xfffffd7fff00c770
timetrap = (nil)
real_fun = (nil)
checkbase = {
buff = (-2748791673424, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2748781168160,
-2748781168495, 4459697)
prev = (nil)
topfd = 0
mode = 12
vexi = 0
olist = (nil)
err = {
context = (nil)
errors = 0
flags = 0
line = 0
warnings = 0
file = (nil)
id = 0xfffffd7ffef69ea0 "src/cmd/ksh93/tests/"
userinit = (nil)
bltinfun = (nil)
bltindata = {
shp = 0x6ceae8
ptr = (nil)
version = 20120720
shrun = 0x4d31a0 = &sh_run()
shtrap = 0x44dc10 = &sh_trap()
shexit = 0x44c710 = &sh_exit()
shbltin = 0x50a530 = &sh_addbuiltin()
notify = '\001'
sigset = '\0'
nosfio = '\0'
bnode = (nil)
vnode = (nil)
data = (nil)
flags = 0
shgetenv = 0x4966a0 = &sh_getenv()
shsetenv = 0x496840 = &sh_setenviron()
invariant = 0
pwdfd = 10
cur_line = (nil)
offsets = (-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
sftable = 0xfffffd7ffef23098
fdstatus = 0xfffffd7ffef232a4
pwd = 0xfffffd7ffef65fe0
jmpbuffer = 0x6cef38
mktype = (nil)
strbuf = 0xfffffd7ffef22430
strbuf2 = (nil)
first_root = (nil)
prefix_root = (nil)
last_root = 0xfffffd7ffef5e0e0
prev_root = (nil)
fpathdict = 0xfffffd7ffef96ab0
typedict = 0xfffffd7ffef62610
inpool = (nil)
transdict = (nil)
ifstable = ""
test = 0
offoptions = {
v = (0, 0, 0, 0)
glob_options = {
v = (145135535915008U, 0, 0, 0)
typeinit = (nil)
nvfun = {
disc = (nil)
nofree = '\001'
subshell = '\0'
dsize = 0
next = (nil)
last = 0x6ceae8 ""
type = (nil)
mathnodes = 0xfffffd7ffef62940 "?)??^????^[^R"
coshell = (nil)
bltin_dir = (nil)
regress = (nil)
-- snip --
... this looks a bit like an exit handler gone mad/bad... right ?
__ . . __
(o.\ \/ /.o) roland.mainz at
\__\/\/__/ MPEG specialist, C&&JAVA&&Sun&&Unix programmer
/O /==\ O\ TEL +49 641 3992797
(;O/ \/ \O;)
__ . . __
(o.\ \/ /.o) roland.mainz at
\__\/\/__/ MPEG specialist, C&&JAVA&&Sun&&Unix programmer
/O /==\ O\ TEL +49 641 3992797
(;O/ \/ \O;)